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Statistical indicators for 2024


The system of individual capitalized savings is based on the pillar II contribution payments for members of compulsory pension funds that are registered on their personal accounts.

In order to better inform the public about the system of individual capitalized savings, REGOS publishes quarterly reports on the most significant statistical indicators on members of compulsory pension funds, payments of pillar II contributions, pension selection and closing personal accounts.


Contribution payments in
December 2024

2333992 members

Total number of members
on 31.12.2024.

8230 members

Number of new members in
December 2024


As of December 31, 2024, the four mandatory pension funds had a total of 2,333,992 members.

Between January 1 and December 31, 2024, 106,077 new members joined the mandatory pension funds, averaging 8,840 members per month, which is a 21,33 % increase compared to the same period in 2023, when a total of 87,428 new members joined, with a monthly average of 7,286 members.

In the period from January to December 2024, out of the total number of new members (106,077), 103,743 or 97,80% were assigned by REGOS to one of the mandatory pension funds in an official capacity, while 2,334 or 2,20% of new members personally registered with a mandatory pension fund. In the same period in 2023, out of the total number of new members (87,428), 97,26% (85,030 members) were assigned by REGOS, and 2,74% (2,398 members) registered personally.


Forwarding of pillar II contributions enters into force on 31 December 2024.

The chart shows % of forwarding

Pension selection

In the process of exercising their rights to old-age or anticipated old-age pension, all insured persons who are insured in both pension pillars are allowed to choose whether they want to receive a pension from pillar I only or a pension from pillars I and II by submitting a personal statement to REGOS.

Review of valid Statements on the choice of pension by sex in the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024

Year Sex Pension designation Number of statements
2024 F Pension from pillar I only 5.489
2024 F Pension from pillars I and II 2.339
TOTAL F 2024 7.828
2024 M Pension from pillar I only 3.797
2024 M Pension from pillars I and II 2.706
TOTAL M 2024 6.503
TOTAL 14.331

Closing personal accounts

Personal accounts of members of compulsory pension funds shall be closed after the right to a pension or the right to inherit funds from the personal account has been exercised.

In the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, a total of 20.912 personal accounts of OMF (compulsory pension fund) members were closed, and legal recipients received EUR 403.246.317,50 from the closed personal accounts.

Closing of personal accounts due to exercising the right to pension from pillar I only

Month Pension from pillar I only
Number of insured persons Amount
January 585 8.346.132,50
February 659 9.210.684,87
March 635 8.402.237,69
April 1.271 19.023.419,91
May 1.433 22.242.185,74
June 1.199 18.230.710,46
July 1.386 21.165.224,28
August 804 12.069.703,89
September 1.596 25.347.114,73
October 1.576 25.532.398,79
November 1.326 21.010.763,24
December 1.455 23.224.739,29
Total 13.925 213.805.315,39

Men make up 54,59% of the total number of insured persons whose personal accounts have been closed due to exercising the right to pension from the pillar I only, while 45,41% are women.

Sex structure of OMF members whose personal accounts have been closed due to exercising the right to pension from pillar I only.

Reasons for closing personal accounts due to pillar I pension only

Mjesec Pension from pillar I only
Withdrawal from
pillar II
Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount
January 38 342.479,47 137 1.439.198,24 255 4.217.385,63 154 2.340.637,75 1 6.431,41
February 35 332.262,79 147 1.463.011,72 268 4.434.952,10 209 2.980.458,26 0 0,00
March 40 327.268,16 180 1.865.742,25 204 3.214.568,34 211 2.994.658,94 0 0,00
April 48 501.810,32 214 1.966.169,86 640 11.357.664,79 369 5.197.774,94 0 0,00
May 46 342.793,45 183 1.931.934,64 797 13.980.831,06 406 5.982.265,75 1 4.360,84
June 35 322.070,79 170 1.668.519,53 641 11.143.363,81 353 5.096.756,33 0 0,00
July 43 326.347,25 176 1.926.133,60 759 12.995.053,66 407 5.903.633,74 1 14.056,03
August 19 171.233,17 119 1.290.589,42 450 7.531.504,38 216 3.076.376,92 0 0,00
September 33 369.450,94 223 2.546.978,68 867 15.397.723,91 473 7.032.961,20 0 0,00
October 33 311.262,87 211 2.040.951,37 855 15.947.974,44 477 7.232.210,11 0 0,00
November 33 264.139,75 187 1.993.044,07 674 12.245.798,57 432 6.507.780,85 0 0,00
December 72 658.665,66 214 2.303.228,15 709 12.896.611,66 460 7.366.233,82 0 0,00
Total 475 4.269.784,62 2.161 22.435.501,53 7.119 125.363.432,35 4.167 61.711.748,61 3 24.848,28

Closing of personal accounts due to exercising the right to pension from pillars I and II

Month Pension from pillars I and II
Number of insured persons Amount
January 220 7.598.252,47
February 125 4.662.595,66
March 154 5.189.025,36
April 193 6.396.934,62
May 452 15.479.714,78
June 493 15.902.366,12
July 508 16.520.271,76
August 392 12.888.102,53
September 367 11.771.152,61
October 672 21.720.463,35
November 598 21.315.943,27
December 552 18.016.794,93
Total 4.726 157.461.617,46

Men make up 53,70% of the total number of insured persons whose personal accounts have been closed due to exercising the right to pension from pillars I and II, while 46,30% are women.

Sex structure of OMF members whose personal accounts have been closed due to exercising the right to pension from pillars I and II.

Reasons for closing personal accounts due to pension from pillars I and II

Mjesec Pension from pillars I and II
Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount Number of insured persons Amount
January 1 48.919,90 0 0,00 140 4.645.495,09 79 2.903.837,48
February 0 0,00 2 88.753,42 85 3.428.135,61 38 1.145.706,63
March 0 0,00 0 0,00 99 3.436.562,07 55 1.752.463,29
April 1 1.465,23 0 0,00 121 3.953.673,48 71 2.441.795,91
May 1 18.096,70 4 96.881,44 340 11.756.882,97 107 3.607.853,67
June 0 0,00 0 0,00 360 11.972.156,57 133 3.930.209,55
July 2 54.044,56 0 0,00 366 11.629.158,73 140 4.837.068,47
August 0 0,00 2 100.207,88 271 9.126.779,79 119 3.661.114,68
September 1 25.722.39 1 13.232,06 251 8.230.790,86 114 3.501.407,30
October 0 0,00 1 97.703,40 470 14.715.478,91 201 6.907.281,04
November 0 0,00 5 91.961,63 411 15.394.226,93 182 5.829.754,71
December 1 28.105,59 2 50.689.12 383 12.298.879,33 166 5.639.120,89
Total 7 176.354,37 17 539.428,95 3.297 110.588.220,52 1.405 46.157.613,62

Closing of personal accounts due to exercising the right to inherit the pillar II funds

Month Inheritance of pillar II funds
Number of insured persons Amount
January 194 2.790.677,83
February 168 2.359.352,26
March 191 3.058.988,21
April 186 2.775.515,94
May 161 2.560.711,33
June 150 2.502.707,36
July 164 2.800.238,29
August 131 2.090.982,01
September 142 2.157.128,14
October 189 3.183.504,88
November 183 3.047.418,69
December 178 2.651.338,53
Total 2.037 31.978.563,47

Men make up 69,96% of the total number of insured persons whose personal accounts have been closed due to inheritance payment, while 30,04% are women.

Sex structure of OMF members whose personal accounts have been closed due to inheritance payment.

Closing of personal accounts (other reasons)

In the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, 224 personal accounts were closed due to other reasons. These include merging of personal accounts and the automatic deregistration of insured persons whose membership in the OMF was closed, because at the time of their allocation they had an insurance that was subsequently canceled.