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Personal account

A personal account is opened by personal registration with the selected OMF or by REGOS assigning the insured person to a fund ex officio. The insured person can be a member of only one OMF and have only one personal account in OMF. Paid contributions of the pillar II on the basis of salary, salary compensation, other income and self-employment are recorded on the personal account. The personal account is kept in units of account, and the value of the unit of account for each day of valuation is determined by the OMD that manages the fund. If the value of the unit of account increases, the assets in the personal account increase. In the case of a decrease in the value of the unit of account, the assets in the personal account are reduced.

The personal account remains open regardless of the change in the insured person's status, i.e. regardless of whether the insured person is employed on a permanent basis or receives occasional income.

You can check the transactions and balance on your personal account via the „My account-REGOS“ electronic service in the e-Citizens system using the accepted credentials (e.g. e-Pass or mToken). You can request an e-Pass credential at any FINA branch office upon presenting your ID card and OIB.