Signed contract for the allocation of the project funds “MY PENSION – Improving REGOS services in the labour market”
On May 22nd Ministry of Labour and Pension System has signed a grant agreement for the project “MY PENSION – Improving REGOS (Central Registry of Affiliates) services in the labour market”, with the total value of 54,095,820.01 HRK that is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).
The contract was signed by the Minister of Labour and Pension System, Mr Josip Aladrović, the director of the Central Register of Affiliates, Ms Iskra Primorac and the director of the Croatian Employment Service, Mr Ante Lončar.
The estimated duration of the project is 46 months and its main goal is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of REGOS as a public service for citizens and to provide prompt and quality service to beneficiaries of the pension insurance. The implementation of the project goals will increase the knowledge and understanding of the pension system and inform the insured persons of individual capitalized savings in pension funds, as well as enhance the capacities in processes, technology and employees of REGOS in order to provide new services.
On that occasion, Minister Aladrović stated that the implementation of the project is an important step towards strengthening the pension literacy and informing citizens and insured persons about the system of individual capitalized savings. “The project will contribute to increasing the trust and support for the Croatian Pension System, through comprehensive and transparent information on individual pension rights and new services that will be provided for an easy way to achieve their rights,” said Aladrovic.
Director Primorac emphasized that through the implementation of this project, establishment of the information centres, digitalization of business processes of REGOS, together with HZMO (Croatian Pension Insurance Institute), Central Registry becomes a partner of insured persons in planning their future. “Our goal is to encourage citizens to talk to us about their future and bring the pension system closer to its users and to facilitate access to information,” said Primorac.
The project includes the establishment of Pension Information Centres (in four Croatian cities), the development of the portal “My Pension” and the mobile application “mREGOS”, including the education of employees of the institutions participating in the project (REGOS and HZMO).