About Regos
Central Registry of Affiliates (Regos) is an institution established by the Government of the Republic of Croatia primarily as a public service to its citizens. It is an institution recognized by its efficiency and high level of quality of provided services and the best business practice, in line with the EU standards.
Primary activities and services provided by Regos as a public administration institution relate to all aspects of pension insurance based on individual capitalized savings of all the citizens of the Republic of Croatia.
Regos is focused every day on keeping and maintaining the register of contributions for mandatory pension insurance by insured persons, on selecting and modifying the mandatory pension fund, keeping records of paid contributions, and collecting and controlling data by insured persons for mandatory pension insurance. Regos also cooperates with many other government bodies (ministries, institutions) and public administration bodies.
Regos is particularly focused on rational and transparent spending of budget resources and optimal allocation of funding.
Regos has made the method of operating and conducting business transparent and in accordance with the business processes of the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015.
Our Mission
The core mission of Regos is the continuous development of a comprehensive, functional and transparent system regarding the selection of an obligatory pension fund and categories within, management of personal accounts of the insured persons, keeping and tracking data, keeping records and reporting on personal information regarding the second pillar pension insurance.
This is achieved through efficient, cost-effective and rational management of available public resources and the application of modern organizational, technical and technological solutions, high expertise and professionalism of its workers.
Internal organization of Regos
- Managing Director’s Office – Support for management and business planning, public relations, external and internal briefing, reporting and promotion.
- Independent Development and Strategy Department – Strategic planning support, quality system management, monitoring and coordination of service level and business continuity, risk management and business impacts, defining the performance improvement measures in correlation to business requirements.
- Independent IT Support Department – Information and Communication System Management, IT Support, Design and Informatisation of Defined Business Processes in cooperation with outsourcing partners, IT project management and maintenance of access point for Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI).
- Contributor Sector – Receiving, collecting and processing data on all receipts and contributions for pension insurance, temporary account management, allocation of contributions to all insured persons, calculation and transfer of contributions for pension insurance based on individual capitalized savings in mandatory pension funds and mandatory pension companies.
- Insured Persons and Registry Sector – Registration and application to one of the obligatory pension funds and the mandatory pension fund category, management of the personal accounts of the compulsory pension funds of members, selection of the pension insurance company, management and maintenance of the register, and businesses related to acceptance, delivery and exchange of data.
- Administrative Support Sector – Accounting and finances, management of procurement and planning, financial management and monitoring of the finances, legal support, HR and other administrative business related to the institutions.
The organizational structure of Regos is focused on achieving its fundamental goals as a modern institution at the disposal of citizens.