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Access to information

Access to information

At the beginning of March 2013 (Official Gazette 25/13), the new Freedom of Information Act came into force.

This Act regulates, inter alia, the right to access information and to reuse information held by public authorities, the principles of accessing and reusing information, the restrictions on the right to access and reuse information, the right to enforce and protect the right to access and reuse information, the scope, mode of operation and conditions for appointment and discharge of the Information Commissioner and the supervision of the implementation of this Act.

All the information on the company and its documents are available on the website. The information and documents that are publicly available in electronic form can be accessed directly, without making a specific request, but accessing all other information and documents is done by submitting an oral or written request.

If the application is submitted in writing, please send the completed form to Regos:

  • Gajeva ulica br. 5, 10000 Zagreb
  • Fax: 01/ 48 98 903
  • via e-mail at:
  • or in person to Regos, Gajeva 5, Zagreb from 08.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. every working day.